Somebody say glory!
I have found another diamond in the ruff, a young up and coming artist by the name of 'Mali'. This brother has a unique style, but most of all, an annointing from the LORD> He has this song called "yahweh" and the chorus just chants 'all the glory belongs to you, oh God' I love it. I went to buy his cd yesterday and naturallly the store didn't have it. LOL> why is it that when I really like something (to buy) it's either unavailable or discontinued??? Does anyone else share my pain. Anyhow, I will pursue my search some more this week.
I"m yet loving God and loving life, nothing is like I imagined it would be, but if this is what God wants-than I'm good!!
Yahweh be praised!
On another note, I did fix that garbage disposal and my hubby was soooooo shocked! Now im off to a more simpler task. Gonna make a paper mountain, (need a visual) for a lesson i'm teaching at bible study. STay uplifted and get encouraged people of God. God will remain faithful and He will do, what He said. (period) !!!
love ya
Pull up a chair and chat with me, as I blog about everything that's happening in my world. From encounters with God to my favorite recipe, movie reviews, all about mommy-hood and so much more!To purchase my candles or baskets, call me direct 860-794-3763
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
What's new
Hello All
Today is the day I try to see how handy I am. well actually it began yesterday. My garbage disposal has been inactive for a bit and the hubby is slow to attack. LOL> so I took it upon myself to get the job done. Well I was hammering away at it (not literally) and realized that I couldn't find my allen wrench! So after an endless search I gave up and headed to my favorite 'got it all' spot-Walmart.
So I got my wrench and pliers and today I'm geared up to fix the garbage disposal. This just might be the beginning of my 'House wife adventures' blog series. Lol. I still didn't finish my movie reviews, so let's squeeze one in this blog. Last movie I saw--G.I. Joe, starring the man-Channing Tatum, need I say more? He is an up and coming star in my book. Marlon Wayans (co-star) is still funny, I think he grew just a tad in this movie. Overall, liked it, great movie to see with anyone.
Get out and get going. People of God, keep standing, stay encouraged, be an encouragement and set your eyes FORWARD!
I love you
but Christ loves you best,
Thanks for all the prayers
Remnant Chick
Today is the day I try to see how handy I am. well actually it began yesterday. My garbage disposal has been inactive for a bit and the hubby is slow to attack. LOL> so I took it upon myself to get the job done. Well I was hammering away at it (not literally) and realized that I couldn't find my allen wrench! So after an endless search I gave up and headed to my favorite 'got it all' spot-Walmart.
So I got my wrench and pliers and today I'm geared up to fix the garbage disposal. This just might be the beginning of my 'House wife adventures' blog series. Lol. I still didn't finish my movie reviews, so let's squeeze one in this blog. Last movie I saw--G.I. Joe, starring the man-Channing Tatum, need I say more? He is an up and coming star in my book. Marlon Wayans (co-star) is still funny, I think he grew just a tad in this movie. Overall, liked it, great movie to see with anyone.
Get out and get going. People of God, keep standing, stay encouraged, be an encouragement and set your eyes FORWARD!
I love you
but Christ loves you best,
Thanks for all the prayers
Remnant Chick
channing tatum,
garbage disposal,
movie review
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Never Give Up
Whassup people of God
This blog is to get you up and encouraged!!!
What have you dreamed? What do you want to do that your not doing? Not enough money? Not enough resources, time?
Dont Give Up!!!! It's all a process, learn all you can while your in this stage because you won't be here forever. I know it's hard dealing with dissapointment, pain, and just simply waiting is hard-BUT don't give up. ON the other side is your deliverance, your land of promise, your dream fulfilled. Hold on, yes it's easier said than done, but it can be done. Allow God to minister to your heart today, dry up those tears, put your boots on (as they say) and get out there and conquer some more for God. Do what you been doing-BETTER!
Stay consistent, faith is the key to unlock that door. Study-and let God teach you through his word. Stay focused, keep going because your destined to win.
Never Give Up!
Remnant Girl
This blog is to get you up and encouraged!!!
What have you dreamed? What do you want to do that your not doing? Not enough money? Not enough resources, time?
Dont Give Up!!!! It's all a process, learn all you can while your in this stage because you won't be here forever. I know it's hard dealing with dissapointment, pain, and just simply waiting is hard-BUT don't give up. ON the other side is your deliverance, your land of promise, your dream fulfilled. Hold on, yes it's easier said than done, but it can be done. Allow God to minister to your heart today, dry up those tears, put your boots on (as they say) and get out there and conquer some more for God. Do what you been doing-BETTER!
Stay consistent, faith is the key to unlock that door. Study-and let God teach you through his word. Stay focused, keep going because your destined to win.
Never Give Up!
Remnant Girl
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Wanna Be on Top?
Hey all,
I stole the title of this blog from the "Top Model" show by Tyra banks. I'm all in fashion mode as I gear up to mc at my church's back to school fashion show this weekend. I'm not a stylista or a bit fashion conscious so this is a big deal to me. LOL. But I've seen one too many episodes of top model to know that it takes a lot to pull off a great show.
I'm excited that our models are children, so no big drama! maybe a few temper tantrums is all. Anyhow, it's this Sat at 3, if your in the area stop by!! There will be Style, Music, Fun and Food.
We're hitting the runway for Jesus, showing that Christians do have fun and can look good while we're doing it. If you want to support some great kids and give them some encouragement as they approach another school year, then swing by.
I'm hoping to pick up some fashion tips from the older kids. LOL. Hey come to think about it, I could ask Jesus, I mean think about it--God is probably the greatest designer there is right. Seen his "Creation" Line lately?
think about it.
Till we meet again. Stand strong, be kind and Love God with all your heart.
1,2,3 GO!!!!!!!!!
Remnant Chick
I stole the title of this blog from the "Top Model" show by Tyra banks. I'm all in fashion mode as I gear up to mc at my church's back to school fashion show this weekend. I'm not a stylista or a bit fashion conscious so this is a big deal to me. LOL. But I've seen one too many episodes of top model to know that it takes a lot to pull off a great show.
I'm excited that our models are children, so no big drama! maybe a few temper tantrums is all. Anyhow, it's this Sat at 3, if your in the area stop by!! There will be Style, Music, Fun and Food.
We're hitting the runway for Jesus, showing that Christians do have fun and can look good while we're doing it. If you want to support some great kids and give them some encouragement as they approach another school year, then swing by.
I'm hoping to pick up some fashion tips from the older kids. LOL. Hey come to think about it, I could ask Jesus, I mean think about it--God is probably the greatest designer there is right. Seen his "Creation" Line lately?
think about it.
Till we meet again. Stand strong, be kind and Love God with all your heart.
1,2,3 GO!!!!!!!!!
Remnant Chick
Monday, August 10, 2009
new new new
Hello to all
I'm so glad to be alive today and encouraged to keep going for God.
Yesterday I had an opportunity to preach at my church and God gave me a word "Let's go to another level" I'm so excited about some things God has shown me through that message. It helped me to understand that to get to the next level I must be prepared and sometimes preparation can be HARD! But now Ihave a new perspective on some things I have been going through and I'm excited about the journey. God has not abandoned me, I'm just being prepared for something greater and so are you! It is my prayer that you are encouraged today. If you want to hear more of that message let me know, I have a copy on dvd of it.
On another note, I am currently editing my first book-so I may not be blogging as much as usual, but please keep me in your prayers...the hubby and I are still bbq ing, yeah I made that word up. I have a really great pork chop recipe, want to hear it? Stay tuned for the next blog and I will tell ya.
Oh and I should be posting another praise dance on Youtube sometime this week so look for it..
Be blessed and Stay with God
Remnant Chick
I'm so glad to be alive today and encouraged to keep going for God.
Yesterday I had an opportunity to preach at my church and God gave me a word "Let's go to another level" I'm so excited about some things God has shown me through that message. It helped me to understand that to get to the next level I must be prepared and sometimes preparation can be HARD! But now Ihave a new perspective on some things I have been going through and I'm excited about the journey. God has not abandoned me, I'm just being prepared for something greater and so are you! It is my prayer that you are encouraged today. If you want to hear more of that message let me know, I have a copy on dvd of it.
On another note, I am currently editing my first book-so I may not be blogging as much as usual, but please keep me in your prayers...the hubby and I are still bbq ing, yeah I made that word up. I have a really great pork chop recipe, want to hear it? Stay tuned for the next blog and I will tell ya.
Oh and I should be posting another praise dance on Youtube sometime this week so look for it..
Be blessed and Stay with God
Remnant Chick
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Come one Come all

Hello and God bless to EVERYONE
Im just so glad to be alive and saved today....I don't know about you but I'm getting ready for the SHOUT! (I Thessalonians 5) When Christ returns, this chick will be ready. Can't do hell and I most certainly can't do the tribulation period.
I'm inviting you all, your friends and my Church.
I worship in Manchester CT at Christ Church of the Living God!
We're brand spanking new to the commnunity and we would love to fellowship with YOU, yes YOU. Male, female, tall, short, white, black, other---everyone is family at Christ Church and I am welcoming you to stop by and see us.
Our current location is 60 Church Street, Manchester, CT
Come and be blessed
Come and be changed by the power of God! and bring a friend.
I love you and I'm praying for you always
Have an awesome weeekend people of God and keep reading.
In His love
Remnant Chick
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Just trying something out

I'm trying to learn how to post images in my blog. My big sis makes amazing flower baskets and I want to post them on this site, so this is a practice blog. isnt' the picture awesome though. Makes me think of Peace and time alone with God!
Let's Write
Today I am encouraged to start editing my book! If your a writer you know the ups and downs of writing a good book. Though I have not published any YET, I have written a few thousand stories in my short lived life. I remember when God showed me the word SCRIBE and at the time I didn't know what a scribe was, so I looked it up. I mention that because today when I looked to change my template, I saw the one I'm currently blogging on and it's called, you guessed it, SCRIBE. So it was a gentle reminder that I need to keep my pen ready! I would love to hear from some of you great writers out there! I'm really struggling to find a good editor and one that I can trust. So my new plan is to take a writing course in the fall and network with some english teachers and find a good editor. Any other suggestions?
thanks for reading
Keep writing for God and spread his Word through the WRITTEN word.
love yall
Remnant CHick
thanks for reading
Keep writing for God and spread his Word through the WRITTEN word.
love yall
Remnant CHick
Friday, July 17, 2009
the weekend
Hi guys
Once again I'm recovering from a long weekend! Last week was our organization's state assembly and boy was I blessed, blessed, blessed! It's something about being around the saints of God everyday for six days straight that strengthens me. Yes I'm tired, but I was blessed by so many of the awesome preachers that spoke among other great things that took place during the assembly. My mom was ordained as a new Pastor! yeah! I screamed my lungs out with joy, I'm so proud of her, my whole family is actually. So I've been celebrating and praising God for what he's doing. Today is sooooo Hot, if it's not raining-its HOt, what a summer! I hope we can fire up the barbie today, you know the hubby and I love to cook out. talk to you soon, be blessed and don't stress!!
God loves you
I love you
Remnant Chick
Once again I'm recovering from a long weekend! Last week was our organization's state assembly and boy was I blessed, blessed, blessed! It's something about being around the saints of God everyday for six days straight that strengthens me. Yes I'm tired, but I was blessed by so many of the awesome preachers that spoke among other great things that took place during the assembly. My mom was ordained as a new Pastor! yeah! I screamed my lungs out with joy, I'm so proud of her, my whole family is actually. So I've been celebrating and praising God for what he's doing. Today is sooooo Hot, if it's not raining-its HOt, what a summer! I hope we can fire up the barbie today, you know the hubby and I love to cook out. talk to you soon, be blessed and don't stress!!
God loves you
I love you
Remnant Chick
Monday, July 6, 2009
Just posting
God Bless
Just wanting to keep up with my post. I just finished the fourth of July weekend. Celebrating our country's independance! (I think I spelled that right) LOL. anyhow, no big party to plan, just had an intimate bbq with the family. my hubby cooked some great ribs, burgers and all and we pigged out till we fell asleep. Well I'm off to Lake Compounce for a day with the family. Wish me luck.
Stay blessed and stay strong.
Follow Christ
love ya
Remnant Chick
Just wanting to keep up with my post. I just finished the fourth of July weekend. Celebrating our country's independance! (I think I spelled that right) LOL. anyhow, no big party to plan, just had an intimate bbq with the family. my hubby cooked some great ribs, burgers and all and we pigged out till we fell asleep. Well I'm off to Lake Compounce for a day with the family. Wish me luck.
Stay blessed and stay strong.
Follow Christ
love ya
Remnant Chick
Monday, June 29, 2009
5 minutes
Hey all
I am recovering from a LONG weekend, yet God is still God and he is still good! This weekend my brother ministered so powerfully at a youth service friday night. The theme of the service was "Called to conquer". He preached about Daniel and his three friends, how the King tried to change their mindset, the way they see themselves and their intake (all by creating new habits for them to take on). Long sermon short, by the end of three years, the king had already created 37 new habits for them to take on and change who they were as children of God.
Scientists say it takes 28 days to form a new habit, so my brother challenged us to create a new habit by committing to read the bible for only 5minutes a day for 28 days!
Just 5 minutes everyday, starting yesterday (sunday). I committed to it and I hope you do too if you read this blog.
God makes so much time for us, how much do we make for him?
love ya
Remnant Chick
I am recovering from a LONG weekend, yet God is still God and he is still good! This weekend my brother ministered so powerfully at a youth service friday night. The theme of the service was "Called to conquer". He preached about Daniel and his three friends, how the King tried to change their mindset, the way they see themselves and their intake (all by creating new habits for them to take on). Long sermon short, by the end of three years, the king had already created 37 new habits for them to take on and change who they were as children of God.
Scientists say it takes 28 days to form a new habit, so my brother challenged us to create a new habit by committing to read the bible for only 5minutes a day for 28 days!
Just 5 minutes everyday, starting yesterday (sunday). I committed to it and I hope you do too if you read this blog.
God makes so much time for us, how much do we make for him?
love ya
Remnant Chick
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
what matters
Hello World
I wasn't going to blog today but I saw some stuff on Youtube and it got my spirit stirred! No I'm not go rent and rant for a long time, but I'm just going to get something off my chest right here. In my spirit right now, i'm praying God "when are we going to get back to what really matters?" We argue over music, traditions, the way we worship, the days we worship___All distractions from the enemy! What matters is Christ and him crucified!! I'm looking at the bible and I'm like, why is that what we do, is So different from what Christ did??? He said we could do more than what He did, but it seems to me like we're running in the opposite direction of what Christ taught.
Do you love Him? then tell people about Him, spread His love and let's come together. We're all hurting and we ALL need Him, Blacks, whites, old, young, men, women--Nobody is exempt. I just want to do what matters, preach Jesus and live the life I preach-it's that simple. I pray that we stop complicating the beautiful word of God, stand for the TRUTH, live the TRUTH and preach the TRUTH-Jesus Christ and Him crucified. He loved the world, died for the world and HE charged his disciples to tell the world about it!!!!
love yall
Remnant Chick
I wasn't going to blog today but I saw some stuff on Youtube and it got my spirit stirred! No I'm not go rent and rant for a long time, but I'm just going to get something off my chest right here. In my spirit right now, i'm praying God "when are we going to get back to what really matters?" We argue over music, traditions, the way we worship, the days we worship___All distractions from the enemy! What matters is Christ and him crucified!! I'm looking at the bible and I'm like, why is that what we do, is So different from what Christ did??? He said we could do more than what He did, but it seems to me like we're running in the opposite direction of what Christ taught.
Do you love Him? then tell people about Him, spread His love and let's come together. We're all hurting and we ALL need Him, Blacks, whites, old, young, men, women--Nobody is exempt. I just want to do what matters, preach Jesus and live the life I preach-it's that simple. I pray that we stop complicating the beautiful word of God, stand for the TRUTH, live the TRUTH and preach the TRUTH-Jesus Christ and Him crucified. He loved the world, died for the world and HE charged his disciples to tell the world about it!!!!
love yall
Remnant Chick
Monday, June 22, 2009
Father's Day/Son's birthday
this weekend was exhausting! I made it through the spongebob birthday party with a bang. My son had a great time and my guests did too. I decorated everything yellow (spongebob inspired) and I even got a paper pineapple centerpiece (spongebob's home) to add to the decor. My hubby grilled up some good food and we had some good fun. Then I moved on to planning my father's day suprise! I wanted to take him somewhere special we had been a few weeks ago, I knew it would be a great surprise because he loved the place...but It rained! So I went for my backup plan and the place closed early! Yikes
Everything was seemingly going wrong for my Father's Day surprise. so....we brought a brand new umbrella and I decided to do dinner and a movie. But I took him to a place neither of us had ever been "The Elbow Room", it was really cool American Joint, as they say. the atmosphere was perfect, he loved it. we ate some food by candlelight and headed to the movies!
Everything was in the same area, so we took out the umbrella and took a stroll in the rain to the movie theatre. the rain really helped, I thought it ruined everything but it really helped us relax and spend some good time together (without the rugrat) LOL>
I thought we couldn't see "The proposal" because the showing was at 9 and we didn't leave the elbow room till about 940, but thanks to God, they had it playing at 10!!! I loved it, he loved it and we had a grand time!
So what I thought was ruined, turned out to be the greatest date ever!
Note: Sometimes what you think is a set back, is really a setup!
Be blessed people of God
Remnant Chick
this weekend was exhausting! I made it through the spongebob birthday party with a bang. My son had a great time and my guests did too. I decorated everything yellow (spongebob inspired) and I even got a paper pineapple centerpiece (spongebob's home) to add to the decor. My hubby grilled up some good food and we had some good fun. Then I moved on to planning my father's day suprise! I wanted to take him somewhere special we had been a few weeks ago, I knew it would be a great surprise because he loved the place...but It rained! So I went for my backup plan and the place closed early! Yikes
Everything was seemingly going wrong for my Father's Day surprise. so....we brought a brand new umbrella and I decided to do dinner and a movie. But I took him to a place neither of us had ever been "The Elbow Room", it was really cool American Joint, as they say. the atmosphere was perfect, he loved it. we ate some food by candlelight and headed to the movies!
Everything was in the same area, so we took out the umbrella and took a stroll in the rain to the movie theatre. the rain really helped, I thought it ruined everything but it really helped us relax and spend some good time together (without the rugrat) LOL>
I thought we couldn't see "The proposal" because the showing was at 9 and we didn't leave the elbow room till about 940, but thanks to God, they had it playing at 10!!! I loved it, he loved it and we had a grand time!
So what I thought was ruined, turned out to be the greatest date ever!
Note: Sometimes what you think is a set back, is really a setup!
Be blessed people of God
Remnant Chick
The Proposal
Movie time!
Over the weekend (part of my father's day gift) I took the hubby to see an awesome movie called the proposal. It stars Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds, this movie is a MUST SEE! It was funny, romantic and everything in between. Good love story for all you couples out there. Sandra plays this pushy boss (Satan's mistress, is the nickname her assistant gives her), she forces her assistant (Ryan) to marry her, so that she can stay in the country and keep her job_if he doesn't marry her, she will be deported and her job will be given to a man named 'Bob' that she fires, in the first half of the movie. LOL. They end up going to Alaska where (ryan) her assistant is from and the rest is a funny, funny, movie. The movie was clean and the story line was great. Go see it! Good movie for couples! I give it two thumbs up.
Have fun
Remnant Chick
Over the weekend (part of my father's day gift) I took the hubby to see an awesome movie called the proposal. It stars Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds, this movie is a MUST SEE! It was funny, romantic and everything in between. Good love story for all you couples out there. Sandra plays this pushy boss (Satan's mistress, is the nickname her assistant gives her), she forces her assistant (Ryan) to marry her, so that she can stay in the country and keep her job_if he doesn't marry her, she will be deported and her job will be given to a man named 'Bob' that she fires, in the first half of the movie. LOL. They end up going to Alaska where (ryan) her assistant is from and the rest is a funny, funny, movie. The movie was clean and the story line was great. Go see it! Good movie for couples! I give it two thumbs up.
Have fun
Remnant Chick
ryan reynolds,
sandra bullock
Thursday, June 18, 2009
the day before
Hello All
It's the day before my son's birthday party and I am in the zone!!!!!!
I have a small budget, which both dissapoints and excites me. I have learned so well to work on a budget and the challenge I have before me today is to get everything I want/need with only a few bucks! This will be part one because in a minute I have to go out and get the decorations. Got the house all clean yesterday so that's set. Have to go pick up the gift and he has to go with me. (so i have to hide it). Ordered the cake already (from a local grocery store) and it will have Spongebob Square pants on it. (his fav cartoon). Busy as a bee I'll be today, oh and did I mention that I still haven't picked up the hubby's father's day gift yet? Yikes!
Well I will keep you posted on my shopping and I hope this will encourage someone that doesn't have a lot of cash, that you can still throw a great party! I'll be back with tips and ideas for budget parties with a bang! Stay tuned.
Love ya
Crazy girl
Remnant Chick
It's the day before my son's birthday party and I am in the zone!!!!!!
I have a small budget, which both dissapoints and excites me. I have learned so well to work on a budget and the challenge I have before me today is to get everything I want/need with only a few bucks! This will be part one because in a minute I have to go out and get the decorations. Got the house all clean yesterday so that's set. Have to go pick up the gift and he has to go with me. (so i have to hide it). Ordered the cake already (from a local grocery store) and it will have Spongebob Square pants on it. (his fav cartoon). Busy as a bee I'll be today, oh and did I mention that I still haven't picked up the hubby's father's day gift yet? Yikes!
Well I will keep you posted on my shopping and I hope this will encourage someone that doesn't have a lot of cash, that you can still throw a great party! I'll be back with tips and ideas for budget parties with a bang! Stay tuned.
Love ya
Crazy girl
Remnant Chick
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
So Good
Just getting ready to do some 'spring cleaning' once again and I'm thinking, man it's so good just to know God. I admit, I am dreading the big cleaning day I have ahead of me, as I prepare for my son's birthday party, but a part of me is just thankful to God. Sort of like a break in the day, I just sat down and started feeling thankful.
Well can't blog long today have to get cleaning. I think I've missed the concept of spring cleaning, I was always under the impression that it was like a one time thing, but lately I find myself spring cleaning about every two weeks. Maybe I'm just obsessed with keeping things clean, how about you? It's something about a clean space that just frees me and gets me inspired to do something great.
Oh, don't forget, Father's day is fastly approaching. Let's not complain or reflect on the negative, but let's just be thankful for a dad (even if you don't have one of your own) i'm sure some dad, somewhere, has touched your life and you should show him thanks on Sunday!
Be back soon with a father's day/my son's birthday post (they are both in the same week, yikes!_)
Love ya
Remnant Chick
Well can't blog long today have to get cleaning. I think I've missed the concept of spring cleaning, I was always under the impression that it was like a one time thing, but lately I find myself spring cleaning about every two weeks. Maybe I'm just obsessed with keeping things clean, how about you? It's something about a clean space that just frees me and gets me inspired to do something great.
Oh, don't forget, Father's day is fastly approaching. Let's not complain or reflect on the negative, but let's just be thankful for a dad (even if you don't have one of your own) i'm sure some dad, somewhere, has touched your life and you should show him thanks on Sunday!
Be back soon with a father's day/my son's birthday post (they are both in the same week, yikes!_)
Love ya
Remnant Chick
Monday, June 15, 2009
It's Monday!
Hi peoples
Hope all is well.
I just saw a movie called '21'...its the story of this math genius who wants to go to Harvard Med School, but he's too broke so he applies for a scholarship. He doesn't 'dazzle' the scholarship folk so he has to find another way to get the money for school. So, he ends up joining an undercover gambling team, (that have mastered the game of blackjack) under the leadership of his college professor. they teach him how to 'count cards' and the rest is a great movie! I liked this movie because it was real simple and clean cut, not too vulgar and an easy story to follow. Go see it! it's funny and great for a friday night.
ON another note,
I made a great meatloaf the other night. I typically ruin meatloaf every time I make it, but this time I found a great recipe off the net and it came out great. the key was the glaze that I put on top of it_I found a great way to spice up that boring ketchup we all use! LOL> check out the recipe at, my fav place to find recipes and great ideas. In fact i'm heading there right now to pull up party ideas for my son's third birthday! boy time flys when your having fun. Be blessed and be happy today. YOu can be miserable anytime but make today a happy day.
Love ya
Remnant Chick
Hope all is well.
I just saw a movie called '21'...its the story of this math genius who wants to go to Harvard Med School, but he's too broke so he applies for a scholarship. He doesn't 'dazzle' the scholarship folk so he has to find another way to get the money for school. So, he ends up joining an undercover gambling team, (that have mastered the game of blackjack) under the leadership of his college professor. they teach him how to 'count cards' and the rest is a great movie! I liked this movie because it was real simple and clean cut, not too vulgar and an easy story to follow. Go see it! it's funny and great for a friday night.
ON another note,
I made a great meatloaf the other night. I typically ruin meatloaf every time I make it, but this time I found a great recipe off the net and it came out great. the key was the glaze that I put on top of it_I found a great way to spice up that boring ketchup we all use! LOL> check out the recipe at, my fav place to find recipes and great ideas. In fact i'm heading there right now to pull up party ideas for my son's third birthday! boy time flys when your having fun. Be blessed and be happy today. YOu can be miserable anytime but make today a happy day.
Love ya
Remnant Chick
Thursday, June 11, 2009
praise dancing
Hello all
As you may or may not know, I love to praise dance! recently I posted a video on youtube and to my surprise many people do not understand 'praise dancing' so I decided to post some knowledge today.
First things first, praise dancing is a form of PRAISE! yes it is biblical, all throughout scripture you will find people praising God both in song and dance!
The reason I dance is to glorify God, he loves to see us dance just the same as he loves to hear us sing or tell him thank you.
Praise dancing is amazing to me because more and more churches are accepting this ministry and it is blessing people tremendously. God should always be glorified in any dance and the music one dances to should glorify him as well.
Now as with any ministry of God, the enemy is always going to immitate the annointing. So don't lose interest if you see some immitation out there, but pray for those that dance only to glorify God and to make his praise glorious!! It may be new to churches today, but praise dancing is very old, like I said earlier, it's biblical__Miriam the prophetess danced with the other women before the Lord in a time of celebration and we all know David was never ashamed to praise God in a dance. there are many many more examples, but I don't have space (check out the old testament scriptures and the Psalms) So encourage, pray and help a praise dancer or a group of praise dancers any chance you can. As I lift up God's name in the dance, I am always praying that someone will watch and see the God in me and He will touch them with his everlasting love. Once you've been touched by God, you'll never be the same.
Dancing in His name
Remnant Chick
As you may or may not know, I love to praise dance! recently I posted a video on youtube and to my surprise many people do not understand 'praise dancing' so I decided to post some knowledge today.
First things first, praise dancing is a form of PRAISE! yes it is biblical, all throughout scripture you will find people praising God both in song and dance!
The reason I dance is to glorify God, he loves to see us dance just the same as he loves to hear us sing or tell him thank you.
Praise dancing is amazing to me because more and more churches are accepting this ministry and it is blessing people tremendously. God should always be glorified in any dance and the music one dances to should glorify him as well.
Now as with any ministry of God, the enemy is always going to immitate the annointing. So don't lose interest if you see some immitation out there, but pray for those that dance only to glorify God and to make his praise glorious!! It may be new to churches today, but praise dancing is very old, like I said earlier, it's biblical__Miriam the prophetess danced with the other women before the Lord in a time of celebration and we all know David was never ashamed to praise God in a dance. there are many many more examples, but I don't have space (check out the old testament scriptures and the Psalms) So encourage, pray and help a praise dancer or a group of praise dancers any chance you can. As I lift up God's name in the dance, I am always praying that someone will watch and see the God in me and He will touch them with his everlasting love. Once you've been touched by God, you'll never be the same.
Dancing in His name
Remnant Chick
Thursday, June 4, 2009
I got a Praise
Open your mouth, scream and shout: I GOT A PRAISE!
That's what i've been doing since about midnight last night.
I spent some time crying out to God and feeling all hopeless and then He spoke to me, so gently and so simply_Praise!
Mind you, God has been telling me about praise for a week or so now, but I think I've really got the picture finally. I need to offer up Praise ON PURPOSE to God! You do too! I know you praise, but there's always room for more. Step out of your comfort zone and praise God in a new way, how about a dance? Any praise dancers out there? You don't have to be an expert, just say a prayer, turn on some music and use that body to give God some true Praise! He loves it, He wants it and you got it right in your mouth! and hands, and feet get the point.
So this blog is to encourage you to Praise God today, open your mouth and your heart and tell God how awesome he is to you and don't forget, tell somebody else too.
I love you all, start praising and keep praising. Go ahead
I dare you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remnant Chick
That's what i've been doing since about midnight last night.
I spent some time crying out to God and feeling all hopeless and then He spoke to me, so gently and so simply_Praise!
Mind you, God has been telling me about praise for a week or so now, but I think I've really got the picture finally. I need to offer up Praise ON PURPOSE to God! You do too! I know you praise, but there's always room for more. Step out of your comfort zone and praise God in a new way, how about a dance? Any praise dancers out there? You don't have to be an expert, just say a prayer, turn on some music and use that body to give God some true Praise! He loves it, He wants it and you got it right in your mouth! and hands, and feet get the point.
So this blog is to encourage you to Praise God today, open your mouth and your heart and tell God how awesome he is to you and don't forget, tell somebody else too.
I love you all, start praising and keep praising. Go ahead
I dare you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remnant Chick
Friday, May 29, 2009
Movie Blog
Ok here's my movie blog. I will try to post on every movie I see from this point, sort of like a review blog okay. Ok the last movie I saw was called "Fighting" I can't remember the name of the star, but Terrance Howard is like the street coach in the movie. The movie was good. It was a good story about this ordinary dude that gets involved in street fighting for money. I got some revelation from this movie, because the believer is constantly in a spiritual warfare and sometimes the battle gets intense! With every fight he had, it got harder and harder but he never lost. Then of course there was this girl that he fell in love with. (always a love story somewhere) I liked this movie because everybody in the movie was like an ordinary person you could look outside your window and see. It was like they took a videocamera and followed some people around New York. The movie wasn't vulgar, or overly bloody either, it was a good watch. Terrance Howard really potrayed his character well, I've never seen him act like that before, I thought he did good. Even the ending was good, usually with good movies-the ending is always corny or bad, but this one was good. NO worries, I won't tell you how it ended. But this is a good movie for you and the hubby to go see, its' not a 'guy' movie, both of you can enjoy it.
I'm going to try and rate my movies based on : Who would I recommend to watch them? (like a family movie, a couple's movie, guy flick, chick flick etc....)
This is a good couple's movie!
What I took from the movie? Never give up, keep fighting to win and on the spiritual side: God is into Ordinary People!
Go see it.
Remnant Chick
I'm going to try and rate my movies based on : Who would I recommend to watch them? (like a family movie, a couple's movie, guy flick, chick flick etc....)
This is a good couple's movie!
What I took from the movie? Never give up, keep fighting to win and on the spiritual side: God is into Ordinary People!
Go see it.
Remnant Chick
morning world
Good morning world
I'm in a cheery mood, my little son woke me up with the funniest words this morning. He had a little morning 'gas' going on in his diaper and it scared him so much he yelled out "mommy, popcorn in my pee pee". LOL> I had to jump up and laugh. It's amazing to see how children see things. Speaking of children, I'm thankful for my Father this morning (God). He always picks me up when I'm down. Just this week alone I was so down and discouraged. I felt like I couldn't even be in God's presence, but then I picked up his word (the bible) and his Holy Spirit reminded me that I can always come boldly to God's throne of Grace, that God is faithful and just to forgive me-when I confess my sins to Him. I'm just so thankful for God's grace and faithfulness to me. I really love Him and I'm so thankful that he loves me. The same way I won't throw my son away when he makes a mistake, God doesn't throw me away.
I'm just so grateful to know him and I pray you are too.
Happy Friday. Enjoy the weekend, keep smiling and keep pressing!
Remnant Chick
I'm in a cheery mood, my little son woke me up with the funniest words this morning. He had a little morning 'gas' going on in his diaper and it scared him so much he yelled out "mommy, popcorn in my pee pee". LOL> I had to jump up and laugh. It's amazing to see how children see things. Speaking of children, I'm thankful for my Father this morning (God). He always picks me up when I'm down. Just this week alone I was so down and discouraged. I felt like I couldn't even be in God's presence, but then I picked up his word (the bible) and his Holy Spirit reminded me that I can always come boldly to God's throne of Grace, that God is faithful and just to forgive me-when I confess my sins to Him. I'm just so thankful for God's grace and faithfulness to me. I really love Him and I'm so thankful that he loves me. The same way I won't throw my son away when he makes a mistake, God doesn't throw me away.
I'm just so grateful to know him and I pray you are too.
Happy Friday. Enjoy the weekend, keep smiling and keep pressing!
Remnant Chick
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Get Grillin
This post is for all my people out there that love grilled food! OH how I love cook outs-bbq's, whatever you call it, I love to eat food fresh from a hot grill. The hubby and I recently purchased a 'real'grill, you know a good sized. lean-mean grilling machine. every since we got it, we've been grilling away! I've discovered some new recipes along the way, so for all you beginners out there, here are some tips to having a good cook out.
1. Always start with a menu. Decide what your going to grill up and this is easy because all you have to decide is what you like to eat. If your inviting people over, call them up and find out what they like to eat.
2. Season all your meat hours ahead of time,this will give your meat more flavor. Now you dont' have to go out and buy expensive seasonings, use what you got in your spice rack_dont be afraid to get creative. Also, never underestimate the power of salt n pepper.
3. Use the internet for recipe ideas, my fav site is, they have basic recipes that will impress any guest. I also buy 'rubs' and 'marinades' to put on my meats and veggies.
4. Dont forget the basics like: plastic cutlery, paper plates, cups and a cooler of ice. (makes for easy clean up)
5. Enjoy the cook out and make sure your guests have a good time. Try playing music to create a good atmosphere or playing a game outside.
OH and always plan for rain since it's spring/summer. You can purchase one of those portable tents-if you can afford one or be prepared to rush everything inside if your deck isn't covered.
Have fun!
1. Always start with a menu. Decide what your going to grill up and this is easy because all you have to decide is what you like to eat. If your inviting people over, call them up and find out what they like to eat.
2. Season all your meat hours ahead of time,this will give your meat more flavor. Now you dont' have to go out and buy expensive seasonings, use what you got in your spice rack_dont be afraid to get creative. Also, never underestimate the power of salt n pepper.
3. Use the internet for recipe ideas, my fav site is, they have basic recipes that will impress any guest. I also buy 'rubs' and 'marinades' to put on my meats and veggies.
4. Dont forget the basics like: plastic cutlery, paper plates, cups and a cooler of ice. (makes for easy clean up)
5. Enjoy the cook out and make sure your guests have a good time. Try playing music to create a good atmosphere or playing a game outside.
OH and always plan for rain since it's spring/summer. You can purchase one of those portable tents-if you can afford one or be prepared to rush everything inside if your deck isn't covered.
Have fun!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
It's amazing
It's amazing to me that you can wake up one morning so excited, so amped, so full of joy and the next morning could be the direct opposite. ever wake up discouraged, sad, depressed or even defeated? Feelings! that's the reason, we all have them and they function in full strength everyday. I know we've been taught to trust our feelings, but I have found in my walk with God that feelings can't always be trusted. For instance, you might feel like a complete failure today--but if you really take a step back and look at your life you can find many places where you have succeeded, so how can you be a complete failure? See, you can't follow your feelings/emotions because they will betray you. If I listen to how I feel today, agree with my emotions today-then I would be defeated. Yet I know that the Word of God goes against me feeling negative or down about myself, so I have to train myself to agree with God and not my emotions. Dont get me wrong, your feelings and emotions do serve a purpose in your life, they are there for a reason (this is what makes us human) but they are not there to dominate and control how you behave! So I'm encouraging you and myself today, dont fall prey to negative feelings, get yourself up, open your blessed mouth and start speaking the Word of God over yourself and your life!
Be loved, Be blessed
Remnant Chick.
Hey, Check out my praise dance:(it will lift you up)
Be loved, Be blessed
Remnant Chick.
Hey, Check out my praise dance:(it will lift you up)
Monday, May 18, 2009
Today I woke up and my mind was streaming a million thoughts! Our brains never sleep I thought to myself. One thing I'm thinking of is the message my husband preached at a youth service on yesterday. The message was titled "I just want to see Jesus" He went on to talk about a man in the bible named Zaccheus who climbed a tree to see Jesus. Now, I won't preach his sermon over, but I want to highlight some points that stuck with me this morning. One point was "don't let your issues keep you from Jesus" I loved this point because we all have issues, or problems, no matter who we are! Yet Christ is not afraid of your issues, nor does he run away from you when you have them, in fact-He seeks after you. I was so encouraged to hear this, so thrilled to know that Christ loves me and my issues. I reflect on people that wouldn't even give me the time of day because they knew I had issues, but Christ never gives up on me he keeps loving me. One other point, not only do we seek after Jesus, but he is seeking us, the both of us are pursuing each other! I'm just so glad to be saved today and to be loved by God. He loves us all, He died for us all and I just wanted to share that with the world Today!
Be blessed
Be blessed
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Give me that fire
Hey All,
I'm feeling really inspired and encouraged today. I recently heard this powerful song by a dude named Ambassador. As I listened to the words of the song, I immediately felt his passion for Christ and of course that made me check my own. It's always refreshing to me, when I see someone that holds the same passion and love for Christ that I have.
Anyhow, in the song he's praying for God to give him that 'fire', you know that burning burden that comes from above! This fire (I believe) is given through the power of the Holy Spirit and it equips the believer to go even harder for God. I don't know about you guys, but I want to do all I can while I can FOR CHRIST! What's the point in going to church every sunday and never creating change for the kingdom?
We have to take our FIRE and spread it to the world! The love God shows us must be shared with all and though we might be afraid-we still are charged to do it!
I encourage anyone reading this blog, to join up with your witnessing team at church and get out their and fish for more souls to be added to the Kingdom of God. If your church doesn't have one, ask your leader to start one up or join a sister church that has one. Get up and get going! People are dying everyday and we hold the cure-Jesus Christ yall.
Yes I believe, no I can't be persuaded otherwise, Christ is the answer for the world yesterday, today and forever more!
Thanks for the FIRE God.
Remnant Chick
I'm feeling really inspired and encouraged today. I recently heard this powerful song by a dude named Ambassador. As I listened to the words of the song, I immediately felt his passion for Christ and of course that made me check my own. It's always refreshing to me, when I see someone that holds the same passion and love for Christ that I have.
Anyhow, in the song he's praying for God to give him that 'fire', you know that burning burden that comes from above! This fire (I believe) is given through the power of the Holy Spirit and it equips the believer to go even harder for God. I don't know about you guys, but I want to do all I can while I can FOR CHRIST! What's the point in going to church every sunday and never creating change for the kingdom?
We have to take our FIRE and spread it to the world! The love God shows us must be shared with all and though we might be afraid-we still are charged to do it!
I encourage anyone reading this blog, to join up with your witnessing team at church and get out their and fish for more souls to be added to the Kingdom of God. If your church doesn't have one, ask your leader to start one up or join a sister church that has one. Get up and get going! People are dying everyday and we hold the cure-Jesus Christ yall.
Yes I believe, no I can't be persuaded otherwise, Christ is the answer for the world yesterday, today and forever more!
Thanks for the FIRE God.
Remnant Chick
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
My First
Whassup anybody, everybody!
This is my first blog, so bear with me and I promise to get better.
It's about two in the afternoon and I am taking a break from cleaning. I have been cleaning like a mad woman not only for spring, but to prepare for my much anticipated mother's day weekend. This week I will be hosting my 2cnd mother's day fashion show. I'm so excited, last year was a blast and I'm hoping this year will be the same. It's so much fun getting together with other moms and just being ourselves. I personally think Moms have the hardest job in the world (probably because I'm a stay at home mom), so I wonder why we only get ONE day to be celebrated! I mean really I would have no problem being pampered and celebrated every week for the remaining years of my life! Anyhow, the joy that shows on these mother's faces when we gather to party like no tomorrow-is all the satisfaction I need for Mother's day. No one gets drunk, high or out of their mind-we celebrate Jesus style and we do it with a bang! Hubby has a new grill so he wants to show off his cooking skills this weekend. I'm delighted, but I sure hate all the preparation that happens before it all goes down. Enough enough, I'm rambling because I'm in desperate need of a nap. I've been mopping, sweeping, washing and doing some of every thing else to make this house sparkle and I'm still not done! Well gotta go, I promise the next blog will be more interesting. I'm just an average Joe (well guess it would be Joanne, since i'm a girl), yeah, I'm just an average Joanne with a lot to say and a love for writing. Till we meet again, be blessed, be happy and keep checking out my blogs.
This is my first blog, so bear with me and I promise to get better.
It's about two in the afternoon and I am taking a break from cleaning. I have been cleaning like a mad woman not only for spring, but to prepare for my much anticipated mother's day weekend. This week I will be hosting my 2cnd mother's day fashion show. I'm so excited, last year was a blast and I'm hoping this year will be the same. It's so much fun getting together with other moms and just being ourselves. I personally think Moms have the hardest job in the world (probably because I'm a stay at home mom), so I wonder why we only get ONE day to be celebrated! I mean really I would have no problem being pampered and celebrated every week for the remaining years of my life! Anyhow, the joy that shows on these mother's faces when we gather to party like no tomorrow-is all the satisfaction I need for Mother's day. No one gets drunk, high or out of their mind-we celebrate Jesus style and we do it with a bang! Hubby has a new grill so he wants to show off his cooking skills this weekend. I'm delighted, but I sure hate all the preparation that happens before it all goes down. Enough enough, I'm rambling because I'm in desperate need of a nap. I've been mopping, sweeping, washing and doing some of every thing else to make this house sparkle and I'm still not done! Well gotta go, I promise the next blog will be more interesting. I'm just an average Joe (well guess it would be Joanne, since i'm a girl), yeah, I'm just an average Joanne with a lot to say and a love for writing. Till we meet again, be blessed, be happy and keep checking out my blogs.
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