Friday, May 29, 2009

Movie Blog

Ok here's my movie blog. I will try to post on every movie I see from this point, sort of like a review blog okay. Ok the last movie I saw was called "Fighting" I can't remember the name of the star, but Terrance Howard is like the street coach in the movie. The movie was good. It was a good story about this ordinary dude that gets involved in street fighting for money. I got some revelation from this movie, because the believer is constantly in a spiritual warfare and sometimes the battle gets intense! With every fight he had, it got harder and harder but he never lost. Then of course there was this girl that he fell in love with. (always a love story somewhere) I liked this movie because everybody in the movie was like an ordinary person you could look outside your window and see. It was like they took a videocamera and followed some people around New York. The movie wasn't vulgar, or overly bloody either, it was a good watch. Terrance Howard really potrayed his character well, I've never seen him act like that before, I thought he did good. Even the ending was good, usually with good movies-the ending is always corny or bad, but this one was good. NO worries, I won't tell you how it ended. But this is a good movie for you and the hubby to go see, its' not a 'guy' movie, both of you can enjoy it.

I'm going to try and rate my movies based on : Who would I recommend to watch them? (like a family movie, a couple's movie, guy flick, chick flick etc....)

This is a good couple's movie!

What I took from the movie? Never give up, keep fighting to win and on the spiritual side: God is into Ordinary People!

Go see it.

Remnant Chick

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