Monday, February 28, 2011

2011 is here!

I've finally got my blog back, wow I can't believe it's been two years!
Well so much has happened and God is doing so many amazing things, there will be much to chat about this year. I'm so amazed that 2011 is even here, I mean I used to dream of writing those numbers on my papers at school. LOL.
It's amazing how things can seem so far away at one moment, and then when it happens it's almost unreal. Anyhow, this week is a busy week so I might start (officially) blogging next week. My church is celebrating TWO years of ministry, I'm so excited!!!!! Having a new ministry is a lot of hard work, but anniversaries let you see all that you've accomplished and give you reason to CELEBRATE. I don't know about you but I'm always looking for a reason to have a Celebration!

I saw the funniest movie over the weekend (it's an old one) but a goodie, i'll blog about that next time! Its a comedy and one I would definitely reccommend for a girls night out.

Be blessed, I love you guys....keep reading my blogs