Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Hello everyone,

it's good to be back! No, i'm not coming back from a romantic getaway with the hubby or a fun filled vacation with the kids...(I'm getting happy just thinking about this.lol) No, but I've been away for a bit, because I've been building my new business!!!!

Yes, my desire to bring an awesome and sensous atmosphere to homes all over America-has finally left my head and hit the REAL world. So even as we speak "Kay Candles" is being built from the ground up. I am sooooo excited and I can't wait to share with you, what God has blessed me to do. Soon, you can order your hand poured scented candles-directly from my site!
Here's a sneak peek at my favorite scent so far, it's called "Lavender Dream"

I also customize baskets for you or your special event!! So I will be posting and sharing some pics of me GRINDING hard, to make Kay Candles, all that God purposed it to be. I hope you are fine and well today, I am. The weather man is calling for snow!!! (yes!) It's almost Spring in my world and we haven't seen a good snow storm yet. So I think God will send a nice little blanket down for us on tomorrow and I am anticipating it's arrival.

Keep me in your prayers, as I am praying for you. Together we can walk in continuous victory and power. I love you all with the love of Christ. Be encouraged always.


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

One of my favorite holidays is Valentine's Day. A day where we Love, on purpose! As a mom and a wife, I am consistently showing love to my family on a day to day basis. I show it through the meals I make, the events I support, the loads of my time that I give and give and give! Yet on Valentine's Day-I like to show them specific acts of Love on purpose and I encourage you to do the same. Valentine's day isn't just for couples, but it's a day to show love to everyone that matters in your world. So don't be bitter, don't be angry over what you did or did not get. GIVE!

The joy in knowing that you made someone smile or made their day brighter is plenty reward. Think about how much Christ gives and gives to us, yet sometimes we don't give him anything in return! So let' s follow Christ's example this Valentine's Day and let's share the Love.

No money? no problem! Make a card, make a gift-what better way to show your heartfelt appreciation for someone than to take time and make someone something nice for them. If your not the crafty time, then cook something really tasty-who can resist a home cooked meal? No matter who you are or where you are, you have some love to share-so get moving and share some love.

Wives---love your husbands. Moms---love your kids and do it all ON PURPOSE!

'Happy Happy Valentine's Day World



Monday, February 6, 2012

The Hangover

Hey everyone, have you ever saw someone that was hungover from a wild night? or perhaps you have some memory of being hungover a time or two? Either way, it' s that awful feeling you have the next day after partying /drinking really hard the night before! Now some people enjoy hangovers (strange), but I never did. It was always a reminder of how dumb I was to do all that I was doing the night before. Yet I know that some take a hangover as a reminder of the 'good time' they had, just a few hours ago.

Now why am I saying all this? Well, now i'm certainly not drinking anymore (thank God) and I'm not having awful hangovers the next morning. But what I am having these days, are AWESOME encounters with God, that leave me feeling a bit, well, hungover. I mean take yesterday for instance, I went to church and it was far from 'church as usual'. The presence of God just overtook us all and people began to praise and lift up God with all their heart and strength. As I enjoyed the Lord, I also encouraged some of my brothers and sisters to do the same.

It became a family affair as we all joined together to shout, sing, dance and just bask in God's presence until we couldn't take anymore!! It was awesome. As God began to speak and use different ones in different ways, I just soaked it all up and when it finally came to an end-I was exhausted-but in a good way. Like I just sat back and took a deep breath and reflected on what a great time I just had with God and my family.

So this morning when I woke up.......you guessed it, I was feeling a little 'hungover'. Not sick to my stomach or my head pounding every second, but I just had that sense of contentment as I thought on how hard I had partied with Christ the day before! Yes it was fun, it was amazing, it was breathtaking and realistically-I am simply tired. Our spirit can certainly out last our physical bodies! So maybe 'hangover' isn't the word i'm looking for, but hopefully you get my point and I got your attention at least. LOL.

God was amazing yesterday and He still is today. That's what I love about Him, he just keeps on being great and He doesn't change. I wish you all could have been there with me yesterday, but I'm sure you have had your own encounters with God on yesterday. If you did, I'd like to hear about it.
So be strong, be blessed and go through this week with JOY and LOVE.
