Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Give me that fire

Hey All,
I'm feeling really inspired and encouraged today. I recently heard this powerful song by a dude named Ambassador. As I listened to the words of the song, I immediately felt his passion for Christ and of course that made me check my own. It's always refreshing to me, when I see someone that holds the same passion and love for Christ that I have.
Anyhow, in the song he's praying for God to give him that 'fire', you know that burning burden that comes from above! This fire (I believe) is given through the power of the Holy Spirit and it equips the believer to go even harder for God. I don't know about you guys, but I want to do all I can while I can FOR CHRIST! What's the point in going to church every sunday and never creating change for the kingdom?
We have to take our FIRE and spread it to the world! The love God shows us must be shared with all and though we might be afraid-we still are charged to do it!
I encourage anyone reading this blog, to join up with your witnessing team at church and get out their and fish for more souls to be added to the Kingdom of God. If your church doesn't have one, ask your leader to start one up or join a sister church that has one. Get up and get going! People are dying everyday and we hold the cure-Jesus Christ yall.
Yes I believe, no I can't be persuaded otherwise, Christ is the answer for the world yesterday, today and forever more!
Thanks for the FIRE God.
Remnant Chick

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