Thursday, January 12, 2012

Rainy Days!

It's pouring rain outside today and equipped with my rain boots, I'm out and about for the day. I'm excited to embrace the New Year, even with the new challenges and struggles that it may bring. I am encouraged to know that God is always with me, through the good and bad and I can make it with him beside me.

Although the rain outside makes me sleepy and can even make a day seem dreary, I've decided to take a new perspective. The rain is a symbol of God's love pouring out (literally) onto the earth. The plants and trees are all getting a fresh drink from Heaven's fountain and so am I! Imagine if every rain drop that hit the ground was an actual blessing that God sent you from Heaven.

I conclude that YOU(you reading this blog) are blessed, whether you realize it or not. Your blessed to be alive! Blessed to be able to read this blog! Blessed to be able see! Blessed to be you! Take a moment and count up all your blessings. Go ahead-I DARE you!

So what will you do with all those blessings??? I'd love to hear your plans so holla at your girl!

Be blessed and Loved always

Kay/Remnant Chick

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome. I use to before this would think of rain as a sign from God to just help us slow down a little bit and relax a little more. I'm expecting his blessings just like those rain drops. In that case "let it rain let it rain".
