Being thankful goes beyond a Holiday, it's a lifestyle (at least for me it is). As 2012 is going out gracefully, I have found many many reasons to be thankful. As I reflect over the past few months of my life-I am becoming more and more thankful for my life. The focus has shifted from looking at what I don't have to being grateful for what I DO HAVE!
So from this reflection, stems this wonderful list of things I am thankful for! Number one on the list is my life!! A few instances this year, my life literally could have been gone-but mercy said NO and God allowed me to continue living. Number two: Thankful for the health of my family, aside from a few colds and sinus infections-no major diseases or illnesses have attacked my beautiful family this year. Number three: Kay Candles-so thankful that I finally took a step of faith and started my own business!! right at home, doing what I love and getting paid for it. God is good! and the list could go on and on, but you'd probably stop reading right about now........
Still with me? I have so much to be thankful for and so do you. Got a nice car (needs new brakes) but at least I have transportation. Got a beautiful home (needs new tile in the kitchen) but at least I have a home. What am I sayin? Focus on the good of what you got and not the negative. Let me know what you are thankful for this year and while your'e on the net, stop by and see me at